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    Présentation Scholar (Bleu et Gris clair)

    FémininAge : 35Messages : 157

    Dim 15 Sep 2013 - 19:31

    Rappel du premier message :

      Hello everyone ~

      Voici un modèle pour faire vos présentations, en espérant qu'il vous plaira ^^
      D'abord, la prévisualisation de ce que ça peut donner une fois tout rempli, avec l'exemple de Mikasa de SnK (ouais, j'écoutais l'OST en faisant ça, du coup voilà, solution de facilité powa...).
      La largeur totale de la fiche est de 600pixels.

      Il ne vous restera plus qu'à remplacer ce qui est écrit en MAJUSCULE  ; )

    Mikasa Ackerman
    feat. Mikasa Ackerman - Shingeki no Kyojin

      • Surnom :
      • Âge :
      • Sexe :
      • Race :
      • Taille :
      170 cm
      • Poids :
      68 kg
      • Statut :
      Soldat de la 104th escouade
      • Groupe :
      Section d'Exploration
      • Armes :
      1ère Épée
      2ème Épée
      ARME 3

    • Physique

    Mikasa has a strong sense of right and wrong, but she is also very protective of Eren and does all she can to advise him to follow what she deems to be the right track. Despite that, she knows well that she cannot always sway Eren in his decisions, as such she made it a point to follow Eren to almost everywhere he goes and stick by whatever final decisions he makes, just so that she can be around to help him out when he is in trouble. She takes Eren's opinion so seriously that when he once said that her hair was too long, she immediately had it cut, even though Jean had just commented that it looked beautiful. Yet, for all her blind loyalty, Mikasa is also very level-headed. Her will is remarkably strong as she is seen to not lose her cool and being at a lost of what to do no matter how bleak the situations she is in seem to be, shown when even though it was believed that Eren was dead, she concentrated on keeping everyone else alive and not giving in to grief as many of her comrades are doing. Owing to her protectiveness of Eren, if he is ever in danger, Mikasa will stop at nothing to keep him safe, to the point of being willing to take on soldiers who try to execute Eren and relentlessly attacking the Female Titan when she captured Eren.

    • Caractère

    Mikasa has a strong sense of right and wrong, but she is also very protective of Eren and does all she can to advise him to follow what she deems to be the right track. Despite that, she knows well that she cannot always sway Eren in his decisions, as such she made it a point to follow Eren to almost everywhere he goes and stick by whatever final decisions he makes, just so that she can be around to help him out when he is in trouble. She takes Eren's opinion so seriously that when he once said that her hair was too long, she immediately had it cut, even though Jean had just commented that it looked beautiful. Yet, for all her blind loyalty, Mikasa is also very level-headed. Her will is remarkably strong as she is seen to not lose her cool and being at a lost of what to do no matter how bleak the situations she is in seem to be, shown when even though it was believed that Eren was dead, she concentrated on keeping everyone else alive and not giving in to grief as many of her comrades are doing. Owing to her protectiveness of Eren, if he is ever in danger, Mikasa will stop at nothing to keep him safe, to the point of being willing to take on soldiers who try to execute Eren and relentlessly attacking the Female Titan when she captured Eren.

    • Histoire

    Mikasa has a strong sense of right and wrong, but she is also very protective of Eren and does all she can to advise him to follow what she deems to be the right track. Despite that, she knows well that she cannot always sway Eren in his decisions, as such she made it a point to follow Eren to almost everywhere he goes and stick by whatever final decisions he makes, just so that she can be around to help him out when he is in trouble. She takes Eren's opinion so seriously that when he once said that her hair was too long, she immediately had it cut, even though Jean had just commented that it looked beautiful. Yet, for all her blind loyalty, Mikasa is also very level-headed. Her will is remarkably strong as she is seen to not lose her cool and being at a lost of what to do no matter how bleak the situations she is in seem to be, shown when even though it was believed that Eren was dead, she concentrated on keeping everyone else alive and not giving in to grief as many of her comrades are doing. Owing to her protectiveness of Eren, if he is ever in danger, Mikasa will stop at nothing to keep him safe, to the point of being willing to take on soldiers who try to execute Eren and relentlessly attacking the Female Titan when she captured Eren.

    © Code Anéa - N-U

    Pour voir le code, un p'tit merci me ferait grandement plaisir ^^

    Présentation Scholar (Bleu et Gris clair) - Page 7 305535lulupsdcopie
    MasculinAge : 31Messages : 35

    Dim 30 Aoû 2015 - 19:49

    FémininAge : 38Messages : 18

    Jeu 24 Sep 2015 - 22:52

    Cette fiche est faite pour les écoles, merci
    FémininAge : 25Messages : 34

    Sam 28 Nov 2015 - 0:30

    FémininAge : 24Messages : 41

    Dim 29 Nov 2015 - 0:45

    Merci. ♥
    FémininAge : 43Messages : 13

    Lun 7 Déc 2015 - 4:26

    Merci pour cette belle fiche de présentation :)
    MasculinAge : 26Messages : 53

    Dim 10 Jan 2016 - 20:16

    Merci beaucoup je t'emprunte ton code ^w^
    FémininAge : 32Messages : 130

    Mer 13 Jan 2016 - 19:27

    Super beau merci !
    FémininAge : 34Messages : 98

    Dim 17 Jan 2016 - 15:45

    Merci pour ton travail ♥
    FémininAge : 29Messages : 250

    Dim 1 Mai 2016 - 15:08


    Présentation Scholar (Bleu et Gris clair) - Page 7 Signat15
    Heathen Hammer
    Heathen Hammer
    MasculinAge : 36Messages : 49

    Jeu 4 Aoû 2016 - 1:40

    Sympa, merci
    MasculinAge : 29Messages : 206

    Mar 9 Aoû 2016 - 1:47

    J'adore ce pack, magnifique. Merci ! :)
    Aaron Silver
    Aaron Silver
    MasculinAge : 31Messages : 27

    Mar 9 Aoû 2016 - 17:50

    Un immense merci pour ce travail :)
    FémininAge : 32Messages : 77

    Ven 12 Aoû 2016 - 16:00

    Merci pour le partage ^^

    -- If we don't have the key we can't open we can't open whatever it is, we don't have, that it unlocks, so what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key that unlocks it?
    -- So we're going after this key?
    -- You're not making any sense at all.
    FémininAge : 23Messages : 123

    Ven 12 Aoû 2016 - 17:40

    Merci ♥

    Jeu 25 Aoû 2016 - 4:36

    Wow. Très joli. Beau travail Very Happy
    céleste callisto
    FémininAge : 33Messages : 55

    Sam 3 Sep 2016 - 1:25

    Shiba Rikubi
    Shiba Rikubi
    MasculinAge : 29Messages : 23

    Lun 31 Oct 2016 - 16:31

    Merci beaucoup, c'est exactement ce que je recherchais ! Very Happy
    FémininAge : 28Messages : 148

    Dim 27 Nov 2016 - 14:01


    Présentation Scholar (Bleu et Gris clair) - Page 7 388245alisign
    MasculinAge : 28Messages : 87

    Lun 28 Nov 2016 - 15:42

    Merci beaucoup pour le partage, c'est super beau *.*
    FémininAge : 95Messages : 100

    Mar 6 Déc 2016 - 19:18

    merci !
    FémininAge : 37Messages : 42

    Mer 22 Fév 2017 - 23:35

    merci !
    MasculinAge : 26Messages : 41

    Mer 26 Avr 2017 - 14:24

    Merci !
    Sadie White
    Sadie White
    FémininAge : 33Messages : 38

    Jeu 8 Juin 2017 - 23:57

    merci ^^
    MasculinAge : 26Messages : 16

    Sam 10 Juin 2017 - 20:13

    Merci o/
    MasculinAge : 24Messages : 54

    Lun 17 Juil 2017 - 16:09

    Contenu sponsorisé

      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 21 Jan 2025 - 18:52